Following the first installment of its food themed show “Food for Thought,” Blue 7 Gallery in Santa Monica will host a gala opening reception this Saturday, June 7 from 6-8 pm, for part two: “The Second Course.”
“Second Course” features 10 artists highlighting food as the central theme. Entertainment will be provided by a local live band.
The show ends with a closing reception on July 26 from 6-8 pm.
“Food is something that anyone can relate to, and with our mix of artists we can come from different angles and perspectives to show food in a different light,” said photographer Lucius Peterson, whose work is featured. “It’s more than merely taking a representation of food, it’s injecting an angle, a take on it, that perhaps gets the viewer to see things in a new way.”
The first installment of “Food for Thought” was the brainchild of the collective that populates Blue 7 Gallery.
“Once we came to a consensus, it was on to producing the darn thing, which turned out to be such fun, we decided that, much like a meal, this should have a second course. Who knows where dessert will lead us?” said Blue 7 Gallery owner Randy Ball.
Blue 7 Gallery was founded in 2007 on the grounds of artistic picture frames, which was founded in the 1990s.
Together, the enterprises form a symbiotic service to artists by providing gallery space for rental exhibitions, and to the community by providing art and custom framing services that someone riding the #7 bus of the Santa Monica Big Blue Bus line can afford.
A 10 percent discount applies during the receptions on all purchases.
The gallery is 3129 Pico Boulevard, Santa Monica. Its hours are Monday through Saturday from 10 am to 6 pm.
For more information, call 310.449.1444, email, or visit