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Santa Monica Art Studios: A Gem In Santa Monica:

Santa Monica Art Studios hosts a variety of events, but it’s the artists that truly give it soul. Co-directors Yossi Govrin (an artist for more than 30 years) and Sherry Frumkin (owned a gallery for 20 years) truly understand the plight of an artist.

For the past five years, David and Kathy Leeds (husband and wife) have been busy creating art in their studio (space #7) at Santa Monica Art Studios. He is a sculptor while she is a painter.

“We had been Yossi’s earlier space for many years, but in between, lived in New York for five years,”David said. “We both love the studio environment at Santa Monica Art Studios. We as artists spend so much time wrapped up in our own world; it is wonderful to have a like-minded community to be part of. We all talk to each other, critique work, and feed off each other.”

David stressed that the artists truly benefit via their artistic interactions.

“Yossi has been a great friend and teacher to me for 20 years,” David said. “He not only introduced me to my wife at the old studio, but taught a sculpture class that transformed me from a painter to a sculptor, which is absolutely my natural medium.”

For more on the couple and their works, visit www.davidleeds.us and kathyleeds.com.

For artist Susan Feldman, she has has known Govrin for 16 years.

She had a studio for 12 years at Santa Monica Fine Arts Studio (managed by Govrin) and now at Santa Monica Art Studios (space #29) for four years.

“I love the communal feel of the place, the interaction between artists and the events that we have,” Feldman said. “Yossi has always been very supportive of me and my work, always bringing collectors by when they visit the studios and Sherry always emails us exhibition and show opportunities that she comes across.”

Feldman creates floor sculptures (Structures), wall works, and installations from found wood scraps, rope, and other materials. For more information on Feldman, visit www.susanfeldmanart.com.

Artist Joan Wulf said she loves the exposure she receives at Santa Monica Art Studios (space #23A).

She creates art with unusual items such as carbon soot, beeswax, wood, paper, and cloth.

“I’ve been at Santa Monica Art Studios for four years now and have seen my work blossom as a result,” Wulf said. “It’s a wonderful community of dedicated creative artists working in an incredible light filled converted airport hangar.”  

She added that she is looking forward to the next open studio event on Oct. 17. For more information on Wulf’s works, visit www.joanwulf.com.

Painter and printmaker Mitchell Friedman said he has rented the same studio (space #27) for more than 11 years.

“The thing I like most about Santa Monica Art Studios is the sense of an artist’s community,” Friedman said.

He went on to say SMAS has become a destination point for some people involved in the arts, which has benefited the studio artists.

“Yossi is a unique and talented individual who I respect for bringing Santa Monica Art Studios into existence,” said Friedman.

For more information, http://www.mitchellfriedmanart.com.

“Bliss Point” opens at Arena 1 Gallery (a project of Santa Monica Art Studios) on Saturday, July 25, with an opening reception from 6-9 pm. Many of the artists at SMAS will be open for business. Stop in and say hi!

For more information, visit santamonicaartstudios.com and arena1gallery.com.

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