I know the title sounds like something from the National Enquirer. But it’s true. When COVID was first announced and soon after we all were compelled to put ourselves into quarantine, I immediately went deep into my “bubble” and stayed there for several months. I didn’t even know I was doing it.
The key areas of my PR business are focused on healthcare, non-profit organizations, as well as County and City public education. When the pandemic hit its stride, no one wanted to talk about the RFPs that we had submitted. Hell, no one was in the office to even answer the phone.
One of my associates could not hold out any longer and had to take a mundane, full time job doing collections remotely. The other one was so busy with his kids – 3 of them all out of school. What makes matters worse, he just got a job in New Mexico and is moving his family there. They already bought a house.
This news brought me down even more. I slept a lot. I never reached out to any of my relatives, friends, associates. I did not have the energy. I know this next thing sounds really shallow, but I missed hair cuts, manicures, pedicures, massages, lash extensions (my real ones are growing in – yey!) for 4 months. I remained in denial of the real world.
Soon after I talked to a friend, who suggested a 2-hour meditation class, held by Naam Yoga via Zoom for free. For two hours straight, I sat with my legs folded, eyes mostly closed and chanted in a language that I have never spoken until that day, with no less than 75 others, also connected by Zoom. I though two hours was going to be insane. Guess what? It wasn’t. It went by so fast.
The next day I woke up rested and energetic. It felt like my brain has been turned on! Instead of sleeping (or eating) I had the interest and energy to educate myself about new things. I hired a professional coach to reframe my resume. I started looking into ways to make money other than PR. It seems like when you direct energy to something specific, the specific something starts to appear.
Just this week, I got a new account. I’m excited about the project. I also got an RFP (request for proposal) from the City. I have a new, deeper understanding about “living in the present.” For any of those out there like me, check out meditation classes. There are many on line, and most are free. It will help you to change your brain, and to release the anxiety created from all the crazy news we hear every day.
Please stay safe and healthy. Love you all.